Data Science and Software Portfolio

Personal github:

WDFW github:

R-universe for FRAM team R packages:

Packages and software

(Last updated Feb 2025)

  • FRAM: Fishery Regulation Assessment Model (see description and documentation). Visual Basic. Developer.
  • snippets: curated collection of useful code snippets. Variety of languages. Developer and maintainer.
  • framrosetta: library of look-up tables for working with Fishery Regulation Assessment Model databases. R package. Contributor.
  • framrsquared: interface with Fishery Regulation Assessment Model databases. R package. Contributor.
  • testmaker: streamline developing project-specific unit tests. R package. Developer and maintainer.
  • namespacify: add package prefix to function calls. Developer and maintainer. (For a more interactive interface, I highly recommend the prefixer Rstudio plugin).
  • xldiff: cell-wise comparisons of two excel files. R package. Developer and maintainer.
  • TAMMsupport: interacting with Terminal Area Management Modules, including summarizing and QAQC. R package. Developer and maintainer.
  • CreelEstimateR: estimating fish catch using CREEL. R package. Contributor.
  • rrViewer: QAQC tool for FRAM modeling process. R package. Developer and maintainer.
  • coding practices: Best practices document for the WDFW FRAM team. Developer and maintainer.
  • butterflyGamSims: Simulate butterfly monitoring data to test analytical methods. R package. Developer and maintainer.
  • wolfeR: consistent figure color schemes for microbe species across projects. R package. Developer and maintainer.
  • cedwards package: personal convenience functions. R package. Developer and maintainer.

Data Science in Academia


Teaching and mentoring

  • Teaching a semester-long data science course at Tufts University, which was highly reviewed by students and was nominated for a teaching award.
  • Teaching workshops and short series on a range of R programming topics and statistical methods.
  • Mentoring students in data science and quantitative methods. This includes many hours of ad-hoc mentorship, as well as more formal mentorship of Cassandra Doll (who defended her Masters in 2021), Michael Song (who graduates Tufts this year and has just been accepted to dental school), and Dr. Jessica Rozek CaƱizares (who defended fall 2022).