Collin B. Edwards et al., Rapid butterfly declines across the United States during the 21st century. Science 387,1090-1094(2025). DOI: 10.1126/science.adp4671. Data, code, and results on figshare.
Collin B Edwards, Cheryl B Schultz, Steven P Campbell, Candace Fallon, Erica H Henry, Kelsey C King, Mary Linders, Travis Longcore, Daniel A Marschalek, David Sinclair, Ann Swengel, Scott Swengel, Doug J Taron, Tyson Wepprich, Elizabeth E Crone. Phenological constancy and management interventions predict population trends in at‐risk butterflies in the United States [open access]. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Battles, I., Burkness, E., Crossley, M.S., Edwards, C.B., Holmstrom, K., Hutchison, W., Ingerson-Mahar,
J., Owens, D., Owens, A.C.S. Moths are less attracted to light traps than they used to be [open access]. Journal of Insect Conservation. Coverage in New York Times.
Edwards, C. B., Agrawal, A.A., Ellner, S.P. Plant defense synergies and antagonisms affect
performance of specialist herbivores of common milkweed [pdf here]. Ecology. Associated article for the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America: Field Experiments on Common Milkweed Support Hypothesized Synergies Between Plant Defense Traits.
Louw, N, Kasturi, L., Ye, R., Edwards, C.B., Wolfe, B. Microbiome assembly in fermented foods [open access]. Annual Review of Microbiology.
Cañizares, J. R., Edwards, C. B., Reed, M. Quantifying phenological landmarks of migration
shows non-uniform use of the Caribbean by shorebirds [open access]. Ecology and Evolution.
Havird, J., Brannock, P., Yoshioka, R., Vaught, R., Carlson, K., Edwards, C.B., Tracy, A., Twining, C.,
Zheng, Y., Wilson, A., Hairston, N., Santos, S. Grazing by an endemic atyid shrimp controls
microbial communities in the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem [pdf here]. Limnology and Oceanography.
Doll, C.F., Converse, S.J., Edwards, C. B., Schultz, C.B. Using structured decision making to
guide habitat restoration for butterflies: a case study of Oregon Silverspots. Journal of Insect
Conservation. Data available on the USGS ScienBase catalog.
Edwards, C. B., Crone, E.E. Estimating abundance and phenology from transect count data with
GLMs [preprint]. Oikos.
Edwards, C. B., Yang, L.H. Evolved phenological cueing strategies show variable responses to
climate change [pdf]. American Naturalist 197(1): E1–16.
Bonoan, R.E., Crone, E.E., Edwards, C. B., Schultz, C. Changes in phenology and abundance of
an at-risk butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation 25 (4), 499-510.
Edwards, C. B., Rosenheim, J. A., and Segoli, M. 2018. Aggregating fields of annual crops to form
larger-scale monocultures can suppress dispersal-limited herbivores [pdf]. Theoretical Ecology, 1-11.
Teller, B.J., Adler, P.B., Edwards, C.B., Hooker, G., and S.P. Ellner. Linking demography with
drivers: climate and competition [free access]. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 171–183.
Preprints and other
Edwards, C.B.; Schultz, Cheryl; Sinclair, David; Marschalek, Daniel; Crone, Elizabeth. Estimating
butterfly population trends from sparse monitoring data using Generalized Additive Models. (Preprint)
Edwards, C. B., Schultz, C.B. Crone, E.E. Do demographic processes change at extremely low
population size in western monarch butterflies? (Preprint)
Phenology and plant defenses: optimizing complex strategies in a dynamic world. (Doctoral Dissertation).